Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 6 + 7 - Resting and starting new

Work is getting the best of me lately, so I was too exhausted to workout on Saturday. I so needed a break and some rest that I spent the afternoon on the couch sleeping.
Needless to say that I did miss my Day6 workout because of that.

BUT Day7 should have been some "active" rest day - so I decided not to make a big deal out of it and instead to workout full force today. I did my strenght workout and 35mins of cardio on the treadmill afterwards. I even fit in some running, which is a new challenge for me as I am normally only walking.

I still need to work on my eating though - I did rejoin Weight Watchers again and I am journaling and counting points, but I could do better. I am in my points range, but I am not always making the healthiest choice and I am for sure eating too less protein.
Goal for next week is to tackle this and try to make more sensible choices.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

DAY 2 + 3 -- Accountability

I'm having a really crazy week at work and I know that I would normally not be working out.
But because I am part of this amazing challenge , I'm giving myself a kick in the butt every morning and do it!
I know that I get distracted too easily, that I find 100 more important things to do instead of working out - and I often beat myself up about this. But over the course of ,my weight loss I got to know myself and this weakness and I do my best to fight against it. I know I need accountability to keep me going - like going to my Weight Watchers meetings regulary or like participating in an online challenge. The motivation I get from my fellow teammates is amazing and it really helps me to stay on track! So ladies - thank you!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

DAY1 - Last Chance Workout Challenge

Today was Day1 -

and I did start good, thanks to my preparation yesterday evening.
I put the disc in the Wii, rolled out my yoga mat and had my workout clothes near by - so I had no excuse to start right after getting up.
To be honest it was hard to do squats, lunges .... before breakfast as I am no morning person at all, but it was so worth it. I felt so good about myself the whole day. I had a crazy day at the office and normally I would have reached for chocolate to help me through - but today I didn't, cos I didn't want to ruin the good feeling I had.
I hope this holds on for the next 29 days :)

I did take my measurements in the morning to better keep track of the results this challenge will bring - I thought a lot today if I should post them or not, as I have to admit that I am not that confident about my body right now. BUT I figured that I want to be totally honest with myself and of course with my readers - so here they are:

Weight: 164lbs
BMI: 22.9

Hip: 40.16 inch
Waist: 32.5 inch
right tigh: 23.8 inch
left tigh: 23.4 inch

Hopefully I can show off some great results after this 30 days!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

30 day Last Chance Workout - Challenge

I know I have been quiet lately, but I didn't feel like talking much. But now I am back and I think writing more will be good for me.

Well, I joined the "30 day Last chance workout - challenge" on Paula's great forum: and I added a little detail for me to it - not only will I complete my workout during this 30 days, I will also write about it daily.

So follow me on my journey the next 30 days, I would love to hear your comments and maybe a lil cheering on too. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009


I asked myself this question a few times the last days .... and here are my answers:

YES - I am this weak - physically!

I signed up for the Jillian Micheals Online Program ( and I started doing the fitness plan I got from there. Let me tell you .... I didn't know that I was that weak.
Here I am - already lost 75 lbs, going to the gym and I can't even get through Day 1 of my new exercise plan. I didn't know that I was lacking that much strenght - to be honest I was shocked and frustrated at first. But after some soul searching I figured that it's no wonder that I can't do all this exercises. I AM going to the gym, true - but I don't do much strenght training. Well, to be honest, I don't do strenght training at all. I LOVE cardio and I even attend one or the other class but I don't like all the machines, the muscle men there. I feel totally off place there!

But this whole experience showed me that I want to change something, that I need to change something in my fitness routine, because I want to get stronger (not only loose weight)
I am really glad that I signed up for this online-fitness-program and that I joined Paula's 30 Day Challenge (, cos both will help me on my way to a stronger body!

NO - I'm not this weak - mentally:

The second time I asked myself "Am I this weak?" was during vacation with my husband.
As much as I love to travel and go on vacation, I always dreaded it too, because I always ended up eating the wrong things and gaining quite some weight. I always felt bad because I made the worng choices foodwise and after a few days I felt bad about myself in every aspect. I felt like weighing a ton, felt ugly and in the end these feelings almost ruined the whole vacation.

This time it was different - I didn't make the wrong choices, I ate sensible and I enjoyed it. I even packed my workout things (clothes, dumbbells, yogamat) and I worked out in the evening.
I felt so good about myself - you could say I was proud about myself!
I have never enjoyed a vacation as much as I did this one! No bad feelings because my jeans were too tight, no bad feelings because I binged on chocolate cake - I actually could enjoy going in the jacuzzi or go swimming. And it felt great!!!!
( And I also allowed myself a lil piece of the chocolate cake - and I enjoyed it!!!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Mission starts....

To be honest I don't know where to start as this is my first attempt at blogging .... maybe I will tell you a little about myself:

My history of dieting and weight loss doesn't start today - it started long ago. I think I went on my first diet as a teeny. Although I never was overweight back then, I always felt like taking up too much space. Over the years, through growing up and college I became quite overweight and more and more unhappy with myself. I tried every fad diet there was, but never lost weight successfully and for a longer period of time.
After my 25 birthday I suddenly had that magic moment when I realized it's now or never - because my real ME was buried somewhere under all this weight I was carrying around. The funny, outgoing girl I once was, had turned into a depressed, lonely, unhappy and unhealthy woman. I changed my eating habits, tried to be more active and began to loose weight. I hit plateaus, stayed at certain weights for almost a year, battled a few crisis, but finally in April 2007 I had lost 80 lbs - I had gone from 229lbs to 149!!! And I maintained this weight for almost 2 years!

Due to developing some major food intolerances, I had to adjust to totally new eating habits and I couldn't believe how fast I gained 15lbs back - you might say, I still accomplished a lot and you are right!!!! BUT although I lost quite an impressing amount of weight, I never was into exercise much and I often didn't care about my health or what I ate enough.
Through my intolerances and some other healthy problems I learned the hard way that the most important thing isn't the number on your scale. It's more important to eat healthy and balanced, not only to eat few enough to loose weight. It's important to exercise to have a strong and fit body, not only a lean one.

I want to loose those last 15 pounds again - but I want to do it the right way this time. Living a healthy life - to get the fittest, healthiest, strongest and of course hottest (;-P) body I can get.